Disrupting Research, Theory, and Pedagogy With Critical Race Theory in Mathematics Education for Black Populations


  • Julius Davis Bowie State University


critical legal studies, critical race theory, mathematics education


Mathematics education consists of dominant research, theoretical, and pedagogical perspectives that frame Black students and adults from a deficit perspective. Critical race theory in mathematics education (CRT(ME)) provides a framework that can disrupt the field to support Black students and adults. CRT(ME) is essential because it offers a lens to examine the permanence of race, racism, classism, sexism, and other forms of oppression. CRT(ME) provides mathematics educators with the tools to achieve racial justice and liberation for Black populations both within and outside of the discipline. Scholars have called for increased CRT(ME) use for doctoral candidates and faculty to usher in a new paradigm. However, researchers interested in using CRT(ME) must first develop knowledge and understanding of critical legal studies, as well as CRT in law, education, and mathematics education. In this commentary article, I provide a brief overview of my CRT(ME) journey; examine CRT in law, education, and mathematics education; and elaborate on how to continue to move the framework forward in the field.

Author Biography

  • Julius Davis, Bowie State University
    Julius Davis is an assistant professor of mathematics education in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Professional Development at Bowie State University. His research focuses on African American students' lived realities, schooling and mathematics education in urban communities.


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How to Cite

Disrupting Research, Theory, and Pedagogy With Critical Race Theory in Mathematics Education for Black Populations. (2022). Journal of Urban Mathematics Education, 15(1), 9–30. https://jume-ojs-tamu.tdl.org/jume/article/view/423

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