Developing Awareness Around Language Practices in the Elementary Bilingual Mathematics Classroom




bilingual education, elementary, mathematics, translanguaging


This study contributes to efforts to characterize teaching that is responsive to children’s mathematical ideas and linguistic repertoire. Building on translanguaging, defined in this article as a pedagogical practice that facilitates students’ expression of their understanding using their own language practices, and on the literature surrounding children’s mathematical thinking, we present an example of a one-onone interview and of the circulating portion of a mathematics class from a secondgrade classroom. We use these examples to foreground instructional practices, for
researchers and practitioners, that highlight a shift from a simplified view of conveying mathematics as instruction in symbology and formal manipulation to a more academically ample discussion of perspectives that investigate critically both mathematical concepts and their modes of transmission, which involve language practices, that are crucial for educating bilingual children.


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How to Cite

Developing Awareness Around Language Practices in the Elementary Bilingual Mathematics Classroom. (2022). Journal of Urban Mathematics Education, 15(2), 8–40.

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