Key Challenges and Some Guidance on Using Strong Quantitative Methodology in Education Research


  • Robin K. Henson University of North Texas
  • Genéa Stewart University of North Texas
  • Lee A. Bedford University of North Texas



doctoral training, educational research, effect sizes, evidence-based practice, quantitative methods


The current article reviews several common areas of focus in quantitative methods with the hope of providing Journal of Urban Mathematics Education (JUME) readers and researchers with some guidance on conducting and reporting quantitative analyses. After providing some background for the discussion, the methodological nature of recent JUME articles is reviewed, followed by commentary on key challenges and recommendations for strong practice in quantitative methodology. The review addresses causal inferences, measurement issues, handling missing data, testing for assumptions, dealing with nested data, and providing evidence for outcomes. Enhanced quantitative training and resources for doctoral students, authors, reviewers, and editors is recommended.


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