Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- When available, the URLs to access references online are provided, including those for open access versions of the reference. The URLs are ready to click (e.g.,
- The text is double-spaced; uses Times New Roman 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end. All figures and illustrations will also be attached as separate files.
- If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of JUME (i.e., Research Articles section), the instructions for double-blinding your manuscript have been followed.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
- The submission file is in Microsoft Word (doc or docx) format. Once accepted for publication, please use the JUME Paper Template.
In this section, we seek texts that call on the JUME audience to question ideas and practices that are taken for granted (Field Disruptions) or to consider the potential of a theory used in other fields (Field Connections). In other words, manuscripts submitted for consideration might question the taken-for-granted discourses and discursive practices that prevail in mathematics and mathematics teaching and learning or introduce readers to a theory and/or methodology that is not prevalent in mathematics education research but has potential to shift the field. Authors should carefully outline the theory and/or methodology and make distinct and direct connections to issues in urban mathematics education. we also welcome alternative research texts—for example, autoethnography, blackout poetry, found poetry, ethnodrama, fictions, and so on—that are most often excluded from traditional mathematics education research outlets and venues.
The priorities for acceptance are that the theories/methodologies/alternative texts are seriously considered and are offered in ways that are informative to the broader mathematics education audience and that the authors communicate the relationship to urban education either directly through the work or in an accompanying cover letter. For more information, see A Call for Field Disruptions and Connections in Mathematics Education Research.
Length of manuscripts submitted to this section should be ~2,000-4,000 words, inclusive of references, appendices, footnotes, figures, tables, etc. Manuscripts (solicited or unsolicited) in this section undergo a double blind review process. Manuscripts are evaluated on the basis of their innovation, quality of scholarship, and contribution to our understanding of mathematics education in the urban domain.
For more information, contact:
Susan Ophelia Cannon,
JUME Field Disruptions and Field Connections Section Editor
Mercer University Tift College of Education
3001 Mercer University Drive
Atlanta, GA 30341
Research Articles manuscripts fit into (3) three general areas (please find a brief description of each area below). Research manuscripts undergo a double-blind, peer-review process, for details about the review process please see Peer Review Process, which is found under ABOUT. (Length: ~5,000-7,000 words, inclusive of references, appendices, footnotes, figures, tables, etc.). Manuscripts should not exceed 25 pages inclusive of references.
- Focus on Research - Empirical (qualitative and quantitative) manuscripts evaluated on the basis of their innovation, quality of scholarship, and contribution to our understanding of mathematics education in the urban domain.
- Focus on Theory/Policy - Theoretical and policy manuscripts evaluated on their basis of their innovation, quality of scholarship, and contribution to our understanding of mathematics education in the urban domain.
- Action Research - Field-based accounts of the innovation of urban practitioners. Manuscripts are evaluated on the basis of their innovation, quality of writing, and potential to positively impact the practice of mathematics teaching and learning in urban schools. Action research and accounts from teachers and administrators are especially encouraged.
An emphasis will be placed on publishing those manuscripts that provide clear examples of practice-based directly on research applied in K-16 settings. While a detailed literature review and analysis of the underlying theory are not required, manuscripts are expected to describe a literature-supported practice and provide citations that document the relevant literature.
The Critical Reads section contains critical review texts (e.g., thoughtful reviews of books, published articles in JUME or other journals, social media posts, short stories, poetry, play/film scripts) that challenge the complexities of mathematics education in urban contexts and elicit provocative conversations that disrupt societal norms and inspire new ways of thinking. Authors should position themselves in the work and communicate the scope of the text(s), the intended audience, the contribution to the field, and what might be missing or further explored in other readings. For more information, see Dr. Alesia Mickle Moldavan's editorial that will appear in our first volume. (Length: ~1,500-2,500 words, inclusive of references, appendices, footnotes, figures, tables, etc.). Critical review texts may create a public dialog in which the author(s) of the referenced work might be invited to respond to the critical review. Suggestions and review copies of books and other texts should be sent to: Alesia Mickle Moldavan, JUME Critical Reads Section Editor Fordham University Graduate School of Education Division of Curriculum & Teaching 113 W. 60th St. Room 1103E New York, NY 10023
Research articles conducted in the countries other than United States should be submitted to this section. The focus of this section is to elevate our understanding of mathematics education in the urban domain in many other countries in addition to mathematics education in the urban domain in the U.S. This section was specifically designed to serve the larger mathematics education community by investigating the issues related to urban mathematics education internationally. International comparison studies related to the urban domain in the field of mathematics education will be given priority under this section. Double-blind peer review process undergoes for qualitative, quantitative, and theoretical and policy papers that are evaluated on their basis of their innovation, quality of scholarship, and contribution of our understanding of urban mathematics education internationally. (Length: ~5,000-15,000 words, inclusive of references, appendices, footnotes, figures, tables, etc.).EARLY COLLEGE & COMMUNITY COLLEGE EXPERIENCES
These essays intend to provide the larger mathematics education community with complexities, challenges, and promises of students beginning experiences with college about urban contexts. These experiences may be at the community college or university level. (Length: up to 1,000 words for a commentary, or ~2,000-3,500 words for research or other substantive topics, inclusive of references, appendices, footnotes, figures, tables, etc.)Copyright Notice
The copyright for articles in JUME is held by the individual. By virtue of their appearance in this open access journal, articles are free to use with proper attribution in educational and other non-commercial settings.
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The names and email addresses entered in the JUME site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of JUME and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.