Revisiting Urban Mathematics Education

Towards Robust Theoretical, Conceptual, and Analytical Methods




There are unique, enduring challenges related to mathematics instruction in urban schools, and the most common concerns are related to issues of equitable access to mathematics learning opportunities. In this editorial, we argue that the complexity of teaching mathematics in urban schools requires the attention of mathematics scholars with unique training, expertise, and experiences. Developing mathematics instruction for urban spaces often involves refined research techniques, multi-disciplinary perspectives, and collaboration between diverse stakeholders. Specificity is the key to addressing these challenges. However, to date, the Journal of Urban Mathematics Education (JUME)—out of 69 mathematics education-focused journals (Nivens & Otten, 2017)—is the only journal venue devoted to mathematics teaching and learning in urban environments. Although other mathematics education journals and conferences accept scholarship related to urban schools, due to the vast nature of mathematics education research and limitations in journal space, the nuances of specific issues in urban mathematics education (e.g., preparing mathematics teachers well for high-needs urban schools) are underexamined and poorly understood.


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How to Cite

Revisiting Urban Mathematics Education: Towards Robust Theoretical, Conceptual, and Analytical Methods. (2022). Journal of Urban Mathematics Education, 15(2), 1–7.

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